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Q: What is the purpose of this site?
A: This website was created to support those working to design, implement, and sustain curricula for teaching anti-racism in medicine.

Q: How does one use this website?
A: The tools here are organized into three parts: reading materials, multimedia, and real live people. The reading material consists of books, articles, and websites which can provide background knowledge on the history of racism in medicine, and also the scientific evidence showing how racism contributes to health disparities and inequities. The multimedia section includes links to podcasts, videos, and simulations. These resources were created by experts in the field and when utilized provide a deeper understanding of the many ways racism can manifest in medical practice and why it is important to work towards dismantling and reassembling the currently inherently racist system in which we are now working. The last section, real live people, provides information on experts in the field who are available for hire who have devoted their careers to equity and can give lectures or expert consultation and advice to programs looking for outside support and assistance in building their own curriculum. The last section also includes links to additional formal training programs beyond residency that provide advanced training in equity and anti-racism.

Q: Is this site meant to be comprehensive?

A: No. Rather, the site provides a curated collection.

Q: Are there any articles where I can get more in depth information about how to build an anti-racism curriculum for medical trainees?
A: Below are two articles that provide models or frameworks to get you started on thinking about how to build an anti-racism curriculum in your own program:

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